Round 6

We now have a public history of Hack and Tell Boulder located at Pull requests welcome at

Patrick and Liam Reagan

Patrick built a simple Pong clone in C using the ncurses library and demo’d the game with his son’s help.

Liam Reagan

Liam did a quick demo of a simple sensing robot built with Cubelets.

Jonathan Beluch

Jon presented a python script to automatically archive old emails based on labels in gmail.

John Dennison

Showed off a web scraper and some R code to analyze baby names from publicly available data. repo

Eli Fatsi

Showed off an Spark Core powered device to send him a text message when his washer/dryer finished running. A Rails app hosted on Heroku powers the whole thing.

Tihan Seale

Tihan showed off his customized version of yahtzee, called Ninezee. He decided to build his own version with higher numbers so his son would learn multiplication with numbers greater than 6. Source code at . Play it live at .