Round 5

Thanks to Viget for hosting Round 5.

Greg Pfeil

Greg built an avalanche risk map for backcountry skiing using public data overlaid on maps.

Nico Valencia

Nico and Eli built pong in the browser using node.js, Wii-mote controllers and an arduino.

Jeremy Thiesen

Jeremy built a number converter to convert numbers between arabic numerals, roman numerals and English.

Patrick and Liam Reagan

Patrick and his son Liam built an arduino based game where you use potentiometers to match an RGB led’s color to the control LED which is a randomly generated color.

Jonathan Beluch

Jon build a craigslist chrome plugin to allow you to ignore listings based on title, location or images.

boooo... no github link yet

Eli Fatsi

Eli made his dumb phone into a smart phone by exposing an API via SMS. Interfaces with driving directions, calendar and torrent automation (seeding linux distro ISOs of course).

Doug McKenna

Doug showed off his custom GUI for working with and generating space filling curves. He also gets the best ones printed on scarves!